Mother City Live
Mother City Live is a web series created from a live performance event hosted by Khanya "Kyeezi" Siyengo. The event is a multi-genre event that takes place at Zula Bar on the first Thursday of every month. Artists that perform are a mixture of established, upcoming and new artists. It is an opportunity for artists to expand their fan-base and network with other industry professionals. MCL also gives Talent Managers, A&R's and Record Labels a rich hunting ground for new talent.
All artists who perform as the main acts will be featured in the web-series which will be available on the Greenback Website and on YouTube. This performance video's rights will remain under the ownership of GB Films. Artists who wish to use the video content for external purposes must get permission from GB Films.
The official Mother City Live website:
All artists who perform as the main acts will be featured in the web-series which will be available on the Greenback Website and on YouTube. This performance video's rights will remain under the ownership of GB Films. Artists who wish to use the video content for external purposes must get permission from GB Films.
The official Mother City Live website:
How to get on our stage?MCL is always open for applications from artists who are willing to perform at any one of our events. All applications must be in by the 15th of the previous month. Any applications that come in after this date will be considered as applications for the following month.
Applicants must email the following to [email protected]:
Contacts[email protected]
Tashinga: 0834281678 Chelsea: 0791633384 (Event Organiser) Zandile: 0789275840 (Series Producer) |